Getting a bit bored in here.
Very quiet, probably 'cos most members seem to be sub 20yrs and at school, and therefore on summer breaks, which I hasten to add is not a bad thing!
Not really in the blog mood anyway. So might send a few emails and let the account expire. I won't be using it once I get back to Oz anyway.
Did apply for my Euro2004 tickets though, so far looking good for 5 matches all in Lisbon (Portugal) and a week in the Algarve in the middle to look for some summer work before coming back to UK and preparing my emigration to Australia!
Hope to do some teacher training and teach IT at High School level (or whatever the Oz equivelent is), and my PADI teaching in the wonderful long holidays...
:: PLAN ::
Life is good
Very quiet, probably 'cos most members seem to be sub 20yrs and at school, and therefore on summer breaks, which I hasten to add is not a bad thing!
Not really in the blog mood anyway. So might send a few emails and let the account expire. I won't be using it once I get back to Oz anyway.
Did apply for my Euro2004 tickets though, so far looking good for 5 matches all in Lisbon (Portugal) and a week in the Algarve in the middle to look for some summer work before coming back to UK and preparing my emigration to Australia!
Hope to do some teacher training and teach IT at High School level (or whatever the Oz equivelent is), and my PADI teaching in the wonderful long holidays...
:: PLAN ::
Life is good