ok... first off, i'm a bit stoned. Just back from Cape Trib, swam in some gorge, sat on a beach in Port Douglas and got stoned with a guy of the tour bus... sweet
So, 2 great days in the jungle and beaches of Northern Queensland. Highlights - Horse Riding
throught the rainforest in the rain and on the beach and in the sea... found some new muscles. Beach Volleyball... I rock, cutest little Israelli girl. Far beyond all that, met Nursie Jo from Leeds as was Gemma I met at Bronte. Bang... like Bro & Sis again... fucking bizzare. Had a ball, get very pissed, got soaked walking the beach, got lost on the beach at night... Stoked. She's living and working in Melbourne, so a good (beer) buddy to have for my return! Lunch with her tom...
Last night, drunk and dancing with all the ladies to the cheesie choons in the bar. Wonderful night, made some buddies from San Francisco... There on Saturday myself
So for mental note, some names I want to remember
Alec - Dive Buddy
Lucy, Emma (Nearly drowned) and Becka
Cal - 14 yrs old going on 30
James - Physics
Ashton and Amanda - Melbourne-ites
John and Nola - WoggaWogga - email not working
Anna P - Cute, got my email at least
Howie - Roomie for trip
Stef and Dan - San Fran, must get married!
More if i remember. Off to chow, might skip beers tonight and get some Zzzz's before heading back to Sydney.
So, 2 great days in the jungle and beaches of Northern Queensland. Highlights - Horse Riding

Last night, drunk and dancing with all the ladies to the cheesie choons in the bar. Wonderful night, made some buddies from San Francisco... There on Saturday myself

So for mental note, some names I want to remember
Alec - Dive Buddy
Lucy, Emma (Nearly drowned) and Becka
Cal - 14 yrs old going on 30
James - Physics
Ashton and Amanda - Melbourne-ites
John and Nola - WoggaWogga - email not working
Anna P - Cute, got my email at least
Howie - Roomie for trip
Stef and Dan - San Fran, must get married!
More if i remember. Off to chow, might skip beers tonight and get some Zzzz's before heading back to Sydney.

and what's with the :: around relationship?
if being in love with someone and being monogamous with them for 8 months and making plans for the future together isn't a relationship then what is.
i still love you. its something i can't turn off just because you decide its over. and you don't have to keep rubbing salt into the wound