Well... I made it! San Francisco rocked, shame I was too knackered to do more than hang around Fishermans Wharf, but that was good eating and sunshine!
Made it to Sydney, and even at 6am and cold, it is still one of the worlds greatest cities. Got to the hotel, none of that bollox I got in Spain last week, 6 hours early sir? No problem, we can check you in. Sweet.
So today I got my working Visa stamp which was the purpose of the trip and I just scored a cool shirt and a sweater 'cos it is cold here in Coogee... only about 18c (60f). Flying upto Queensland Thursday, 30c and do my PADI at last!
Got pretty battered last night, made the mistake of txting the ex (number now deleted) to say she would hate it here (actually being sarcastic over the fact everyone seems to have an LV bag) and ended up with an hour phonecall from her

Anyway.. tonight is CRAB RACING! Hahaha only in this beautiful unPC world that is Oz. Oh and my hotel is fucking awesome - no hostels yet - and one of the teams from tonights State of Origin match is staying there so expecting a few groupies in the bar later if i'm not still racing my crabs

Well, 2 more days in Coogee, then fly up the coast. Already planning my return trip here and got some good work leads and i've not even tried!
Not sure any of this is making sense, head still in some other time zone so until the next time...

Hmm. Be sure to take lots of pics. How exciting