we have left this land of shiny lights
come take my breath away
can we share this passion
out of the ground, will we rise to grace
can we stay alive forever?
we are the meager
fallowing the leader
all that i need is serenity
i stand in the black and the white
technicolorful life
there is no place lke home
yet you are covered in my skin
soon this time will end
all will be well again
-fear and you
high above a sea of glass
a million stars are out tonight
but still i hide in fright
fear of love
fear of you
i live my life in seclousion
wanting to be with you
fear of the rejection that is in
my mind
this fear that keeps me from you
that keeps me from this
i could find with you
-threat of death
to live wthout the threat of death
leaves you without a reason
to live at all
to live with out death
to remain as we are
for an eternity
the mysteries of life lost before our own eyes
never will we be as perfect as we are now
in this moment
with each passing moment
more of our souls and our flesh
falls away into decay
leaving our souls to rot in peices
with the slow passing of time
with death now nothing to fear
as it has never been
even when it is an ever fixed mark
in the fabric of each life
as unavoidable as the setting of the sun
yet eagerly reach for
as the dawning of each new day
all that can be done
is to wait
and to watch
and live
till death do us part
we have left this land of shiny lights
come take my breath away
can we share this passion
out of the ground, will we rise to grace
can we stay alive forever?
we are the meager
fallowing the leader
all that i need is serenity
i stand in the black and the white
technicolorful life
there is no place lke home
yet you are covered in my skin
soon this time will end
all will be well again
-fear and you
high above a sea of glass
a million stars are out tonight
but still i hide in fright
fear of love
fear of you
i live my life in seclousion
wanting to be with you
fear of the rejection that is in
my mind
this fear that keeps me from you
that keeps me from this
i could find with you
-threat of death
to live wthout the threat of death
leaves you without a reason
to live at all
to live with out death
to remain as we are
for an eternity
the mysteries of life lost before our own eyes
never will we be as perfect as we are now
in this moment
with each passing moment
more of our souls and our flesh
falls away into decay
leaving our souls to rot in peices
with the slow passing of time
with death now nothing to fear
as it has never been
even when it is an ever fixed mark
in the fabric of each life
as unavoidable as the setting of the sun
yet eagerly reach for
as the dawning of each new day
all that can be done
is to wait
and to watch
and live
till death do us part
Thanks for wanting to be my friend