ok so i have been home, as in off the base and in my livingroom, from iraq for a few days now and i am so freaking bored!!! i tell you, iraq sucked and yeah we were bored a lot of the time but that was because we were either fireing our rifles at a target of some sort or we were just sitting there wait for someone to do something stupid and too respond to it!! but here at home, there is so much to do but noone to do it with. all my friends back here at home are all working during the day and at night 95% of them go home and spend the remaining of their evenings with their familes/girlfrinds and boyfriends so they dont really want to hang out. so i am left to wonder the city alone and to try to find something to do to keep me occupied for the time being. oh well, i am sure that a solution to my problem will present itself soon enough... if not, maybe i will rejoin the army...? hmmmmmm...
but the good thing is that i have had a little more time to write. its nothing to great and nothing spectacular, but i enjoy it. so here is a few of my latest writtings for you to enjoy...
we bury our dead at dawn
ingoring your lines of suicide
not seeing anything
through eyes sewn shut
nausea settled in the pits of our souls
this shotgun wedding
vividedly painted in black
marking the damned
wasted all my hopes on a dream
like the paper heart of a homemade valentine
playing with time and wasted bullets
while this city sleeps
looking for a chance to say goodbye
having seen where this infection grows
throught the black
my throat feels like an open grave
as i wept
the sky turned red
and i turned my back and ran
through this gauntlet
my heartstrings come undone
as they turn loose the hounds
closing in on heart
dust and smoke rise cavering
the scars that we stil dont see
carry me down
purified in the storm
as i fade away
now i have written others but i type really slow and sloppy, like old people fucking. (great visual, huh) lol. i have nothing to do and nothing planned till friday, i have to go to a wedding. while i was gone a friend got herself pergo and now getting married to the fella. which is good, at least they are taking responcablilty for their actions. i think that they will do fine and they will make everything workout. so that is good. but that is all that i am doing for a few days.
next week i gotta go visit my parents and what not. so that will be a disater, cause my father will try to run my life again. then he and i will get into a fight and i will leave all pissed off and not go visit my parents for another few months or a year or so.
so if anyone has any suggestions on what i can do or anything that would help me to pass the time, PLEASE PLEASE let me know!!! lol
i hope that everyone has a great day though, so untill later. PEACE!!!!
but the good thing is that i have had a little more time to write. its nothing to great and nothing spectacular, but i enjoy it. so here is a few of my latest writtings for you to enjoy...
we bury our dead at dawn
ingoring your lines of suicide
not seeing anything
through eyes sewn shut
nausea settled in the pits of our souls
this shotgun wedding
vividedly painted in black
marking the damned
wasted all my hopes on a dream
like the paper heart of a homemade valentine
playing with time and wasted bullets
while this city sleeps
looking for a chance to say goodbye
having seen where this infection grows
throught the black
my throat feels like an open grave
as i wept
the sky turned red
and i turned my back and ran
through this gauntlet
my heartstrings come undone
as they turn loose the hounds
closing in on heart
dust and smoke rise cavering
the scars that we stil dont see
carry me down
purified in the storm
as i fade away
now i have written others but i type really slow and sloppy, like old people fucking. (great visual, huh) lol. i have nothing to do and nothing planned till friday, i have to go to a wedding. while i was gone a friend got herself pergo and now getting married to the fella. which is good, at least they are taking responcablilty for their actions. i think that they will do fine and they will make everything workout. so that is good. but that is all that i am doing for a few days.
next week i gotta go visit my parents and what not. so that will be a disater, cause my father will try to run my life again. then he and i will get into a fight and i will leave all pissed off and not go visit my parents for another few months or a year or so.
so if anyone has any suggestions on what i can do or anything that would help me to pass the time, PLEASE PLEASE let me know!!! lol
i hope that everyone has a great day though, so untill later. PEACE!!!!
k - don't make any big decisions just yet. give yourself a few weeks to adjust. you've kind of had a life altering experience. and your friends are all caught up in the minutae of every day life.