i read this the other day and i could not help but laugh!!! lol so i figured i would share it with you all... now i know some of it is repeated... but it just goes to show how stupid some people are and how much some people look far to much into to things...
Sacre bleu!!!!
the smurfs may not be as innocent as...
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Sacre bleu!!!!
the smurfs may not be as innocent as...
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so after much deliberation and a long time waiting i have decided to try and try the knot again... i say again because this will be my third attempt and hopefully my last. haha my last two fiances left me for someone else while i was deployed to Iraq. here are the engagement pics for my wife to be and i... she thinks i should...
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Yeah i kept it under wraps just because of the way my last two turned out... i didnt want to get my hopes too high. but i have an amazing feeling about this girl. She is my match in every way and i am taking her to get her first tattoo in august.. lol. 

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! That goes out to all mothers and those who will someday be a mother... none of us would be here if not for you... 

its funny when you think about life... some look at life and measure how life has be by what they have done or by what they will do... some even measure life by the things that others do. why is it that the world focuses on the royal wedding that has occured and not on the joys and problems of each respective country. congrats to...
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and the job hunt is on one again... finally get my resume updated again and sent it out.. so anywhere from State College to Santa Fe and everywhere in between.... job hunting... alwys the worst but when you can no longer learn and cant gt a raise from thepla your at i guess its time to move on...
...and yet life goes on...
Beauty how is it even possible to define. Is it something that can be defined? If you really want to get technical, beauty, as defined by Mr. Webster is the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else...
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we have left this land of shiny lights
come take my breath away
can we share this passion
out of the ground, will we rise to grace
can we stay alive forever?
we are the meager
fallowing the leader
all that i need is serenity
i stand in the black and the white
technicolorful life
there is no place lke home
yet you...
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we have left this land of shiny lights
come take my breath away
can we share this passion
out of the ground, will we rise to grace
can we stay alive forever?
we are the meager
fallowing the leader
all that i need is serenity
i stand in the black and the white
technicolorful life
there is no place lke home
yet you...
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Thanks for wanting to be my friend 

just some random quotes that i rather enjoy... dont know who said some of them...

It is only after we have lost everything that we are free to give everything or do anything...
i would rather be hated for my convictions, than love for submissin...
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but for what is unseen. For what is seen is...
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It is only after we have lost everything that we are free to give everything or do anything...
i would rather be hated for my convictions, than love for submissin...
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but for what is unseen. For what is seen is...
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Aww that great!!

Good luck! Glad to hear this job is better and treating you better!