So I have been in Van Nuys for a while now. Man I have been vegitating in my ladies house, its great to not work and do nothing but chill with your loved one. Well I may lose my job if i dont shape up for work. they say i am rude to people....fuck em whatever i do what i want.
Ya, so on saterday i have to go to lodi and play a show with animosity and the fuckin HOODS baby hell ya....ahhh im nervouse like a bitch. Then on the 13th we play with all shall perish and shattered screams at the pound in SF....then on the 17 out to play for you carzy mofos in corona also with all shall perish.
Hahahaha the band is doing very well so far. We had a show at the sluaghter house with antagony and seeing means more. We dominated the show however antagony are the coolest fuckin guys and they rock hardcore. Oh ya on july 3rd we are playing a show in danville at the grange with them as well.
Our fuckin tour got shut down word from the guy from somthing must die....i guess he cant get the bookin agents to even hook even his band up sooo we got shafted.
Man...I really love jay jay...she is sooo good to me. I have been at her house for some days really comfy I will regret leaving this place, ahhh home sweet home Berkeley. I get to go home and sleep alone then...until she comes to see me.
ya sorry for not seein anyone on the site when I was down here.
BUt AHHH i went bowling with troublemaker(136) and trihawk(188) for the first time. I think I did like a fuckin 60
I hella suck
Hey though I keep to the things i am good at like playin in the band. everyone please listen to the somgs we have on SUFFOKATE \m/
Here is a list of the shows that I know of right now
6/6-animosity, the hoods@lodi ballroom
6/13-allshallperish, shatteredscreams@ pound San Fran
6/17-ummm all shall perish a bunch more in corona@showcase
and then all you muther fuckers better head out to texas to see us at murderfest in sept mope details to come
Ya, so on saterday i have to go to lodi and play a show with animosity and the fuckin HOODS baby hell ya....ahhh im nervouse like a bitch. Then on the 13th we play with all shall perish and shattered screams at the pound in SF....then on the 17 out to play for you carzy mofos in corona also with all shall perish.
Hahahaha the band is doing very well so far. We had a show at the sluaghter house with antagony and seeing means more. We dominated the show however antagony are the coolest fuckin guys and they rock hardcore. Oh ya on july 3rd we are playing a show in danville at the grange with them as well.
Our fuckin tour got shut down word from the guy from somthing must die....i guess he cant get the bookin agents to even hook even his band up sooo we got shafted.
Man...I really love jay jay...she is sooo good to me. I have been at her house for some days really comfy I will regret leaving this place, ahhh home sweet home Berkeley. I get to go home and sleep alone then...until she comes to see me.
ya sorry for not seein anyone on the site when I was down here.
BUt AHHH i went bowling with troublemaker(136) and trihawk(188) for the first time. I think I did like a fuckin 60

I hella suck
Hey though I keep to the things i am good at like playin in the band. everyone please listen to the somgs we have on SUFFOKATE \m/
Here is a list of the shows that I know of right now
6/6-animosity, the hoods@lodi ballroom
6/13-allshallperish, shatteredscreams@ pound San Fran
6/17-ummm all shall perish a bunch more in corona@showcase
and then all you muther fuckers better head out to texas to see us at murderfest in sept mope details to come
I talked to klonopin, me and him are goin to the Pound show and we're gonna invite a couple of our friends too.
awww the bowling ball shall be mine? really? how?