Two days, in counting.
There will be a fire fight.
(in the smokin room)
Spending my time smokin like a fuckin maniac and playning guitar so please forgive me if I seem a little spacy......HuH? .....Oh days.
My arm looks better, I got more finacial aid, and my life is set up very well right now, almost amzing. Hopin not to see any more organs lying about randomly, and if a spider come i will stomp it into oblivion. But other than that my life is cool as fuck and in two day actuall late late tommorow night even my life will rock.
Hell Fuckin ya.
There will be a fire fight.
(in the smokin room)
Spending my time smokin like a fuckin maniac and playning guitar so please forgive me if I seem a little spacy......HuH? .....Oh days.
My arm looks better, I got more finacial aid, and my life is set up very well right now, almost amzing. Hopin not to see any more organs lying about randomly, and if a spider come i will stomp it into oblivion. But other than that my life is cool as fuck and in two day actuall late late tommorow night even my life will rock.
Hell Fuckin ya.

we are leaving at 6 instead of 3
so i will see you later than expected 

WHEEE i am here!