Tommy...tommy boy, will you ever grow up. Throwing hammers at doors becuase you got maced will get you arrested.
Which brings me to my point
Wildness man these past few dayas man, severed tounges, staff infection, seeing people wig the fuck out on psychadelic pharmasuticles, Paoy waking around with his scrodum hangin out????? Wierd Shit man, but most of it is really funny I have to say.
Koro is a disease known through out South east asia from meen developing extreme phobias about thier own penises inverting into their bodies. That is what Anthropology tuaght me today.
I snook out of class today and got away wioth it becuase i had to go to the hospital. They are giving me insurance. Coool, so If ever get a bad case of koro I can go to the doctor and they can give me pills that will enlarg my penis........OH DUDE WOW.
You know people say that mormons and amish people sleep with there cousins and have several wives, not anymore people, but you know what female circumscision is still practiced in many parts of Africa and the laces of the diaspora............Jesus Fuckin Christ what is wrong with people man.
I am gonna get my padre to buy me a van, becuase my life is calling for it now I think. I have some one important to be with but she isn't around so it is a time in a boys life to get a fucking cool ass van so I can go where I want to on my days off, AND YOU KNOW WHY MAN?
Becuase I have reallized that i am the person that makes me miserable, but I can stop all that. I can becom Mobile and free, not wait for months at a time for things to happen.
Which brings me to my point
Wildness man these past few dayas man, severed tounges, staff infection, seeing people wig the fuck out on psychadelic pharmasuticles, Paoy waking around with his scrodum hangin out????? Wierd Shit man, but most of it is really funny I have to say.
Koro is a disease known through out South east asia from meen developing extreme phobias about thier own penises inverting into their bodies. That is what Anthropology tuaght me today.
I snook out of class today and got away wioth it becuase i had to go to the hospital. They are giving me insurance. Coool, so If ever get a bad case of koro I can go to the doctor and they can give me pills that will enlarg my penis........OH DUDE WOW.
You know people say that mormons and amish people sleep with there cousins and have several wives, not anymore people, but you know what female circumscision is still practiced in many parts of Africa and the laces of the diaspora............Jesus Fuckin Christ what is wrong with people man.
I am gonna get my padre to buy me a van, becuase my life is calling for it now I think. I have some one important to be with but she isn't around so it is a time in a boys life to get a fucking cool ass van so I can go where I want to on my days off, AND YOU KNOW WHY MAN?
Becuase I have reallized that i am the person that makes me miserable, but I can stop all that. I can becom Mobile and free, not wait for months at a time for things to happen.

day dreaming of you *le sigh*