I was ganna go see all shall perish last night and tear somethin up while they played, but they ae the only good band that ever plays the shows they do. I i would have to you know watch a bunch of bands humiliate themselves in front of fiftey people until they came out and played. FUCK THAT
so jay jay went and tore shit up for me, bless that girl
I senty my guitar to the shop for repair
it was all fucked up. Some one stepped on my self phone too, errrgggg.
SHojo had plastic sugerey on his face, hehehe poor kid.
There are very few people in the world that I love being woken up by.
so jay jay went and tore shit up for me, bless that girl

I senty my guitar to the shop for repair

SHojo had plastic sugerey on his face, hehehe poor kid.
There are very few people in the world that I love being woken up by.

green stuff that you can't live without huh? match me on a blunt then dude.
[Edited on Apr 04, 2004 4:58PM]
Of course i will always tear it up in the pit for you!
hehe i always feel kinda bad about waking you up...