jus ignor that, I fell on bike you know I was pissed of at the world, and I thought about a lot. Lets just say I had jumped of the boat of rational thought and now I am all done
Im fine, tommorow I have work but then on saterday I get my first tatoo, WOW DUDE. Hella cool, so I cant find any fuckin paper developer so I can make photos grrrr.....
I met up with jerid from suffukate but hes busy so we hav not touched base on writing music.
I am so sore, cuase I have been lifting wieghts a lot to get big and strong. This will me become the unbreakable wall of no fear, a core warrior
The ultimate scenster pot smokin hardcore metal boi.
I wont destroy my self any longer...inside
So I am happy
Im fine, tommorow I have work but then on saterday I get my first tatoo, WOW DUDE. Hella cool, so I cant find any fuckin paper developer so I can make photos grrrr.....
I met up with jerid from suffukate but hes busy so we hav not touched base on writing music.
I am so sore, cuase I have been lifting wieghts a lot to get big and strong. This will me become the unbreakable wall of no fear, a core warrior
The ultimate scenster pot smokin hardcore metal boi.
I wont destroy my self any longer...inside
So I am happy

hehehe yes you are the ultimate scenester pot smokin hardcore metal boi hehe and i like ya
hehe yay for chirs!

Yeah, uh, what she said.