On November 7th please do not forget to vote and please vote for the Democrat running for the Senate seat or Congress in your district. It is imperative that the Democrats take back at least one house of Congress so we can put a hault to, not only this war, but the all out assault the Bush administration has put on the Constitution of the United states. This Republican congress has rubber stamped without question any and all dictates passed down by this president and it is time for it to stop.
In New hampshire we have two incredible canidates running for congress against the Republican incumbants. and I urge each and every NH voter to vote for their canidate come November 7th.

Paul Hodes

Carol Shea-Porter

In New hampshire we have two incredible canidates running for congress against the Republican incumbants. and I urge each and every NH voter to vote for their canidate come November 7th.

Paul Hodes

Carol Shea-Porter


you dorkus