record breaking drunk
i took someone on my tour
it's pretty impressive for a dui
my head is full of marbles
grinding and scratching
suposedly "meen" is not a word
and mean has a double meaning
go figure
i can barely see
my account was supposed to be shut off two days ago
well thanks for nothing
the idea of someone else fucking her doggystyle
hurts the most
i have to be a work in two hours
i know what your thinking
but the pizza shop doesn't open for two days
so i'm moonlighting at the french spot
i'm smoking butts from the tray
cause it's too early to go to 7-11
i don't know
if i can get up and go
don't lay down
this is ingigestion
i haven't sjit right since
you broke my heart
i simple thought
barbles my stomach
pushes off my red sweatshirt
they think
it's just to show tattoos
if they really knew
they wouldn't care
i'm shooting good pool
i've mastered the simple bank
and the 8 ball
is no longer a carrot
it's just for me
now though
and that hurts

the snow on...
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i fell on my head in boston
i also fell on my ass
i'm pretty sure everyone hates me now
noone will return my calls
maybe it's for the best
well, i still like me
hung out with some crazy death meatal kids on new years
they had all the champaigne
and i was the only one who could open the bottles
got yelled at...
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i passed all my classes
i even got an "a"
and a "b,c,& d"
i'm still on probation though
i have my second animation class next semester
that's exciting
i leave for baltimore tommorrow
that's even more exciting
i'll take a shot for you on xmas, if you take one for me
yellow, eh?
are you sure thats mouth wash we're talking about?
i'm just posting cause i posted
somewere else
my tolerance is through the rufe
god forbid i eat
when the answering machine reads 0
she told told me
my eyes
solid white in the morning
called me eveil later that day
just not at heart
i leave for baltimore on friday
i'm staying until the 30th
then i'm going to boston for new years
this is my last hoorah
after this i'm settleing down
and being responsible
Settling down and being responsible? hmmmfff never! We might be in NYC for the SG New years thingy - I know you said you would be in Boston... let me know what your plans are... Are you visiting family, or friends??
i shot the best pool
i ever shot in my life tonight
i don't care if you're going to vegas
you moved the fucking balls
gay mexicans
shoot good pool