i think
she was a demon
it's embarassing to say
it would be even more embarassing to ask
i saw that face once
old and cursed
but i loved the eyes
i always came back for the eyes
it's amazing what they can do to a heart
i'm so angry, all the time now
i don't care for it
you don't care for being angry?? I think the anger will likely pass - once your nerves aren't so fryed.
i went to a show tonight
gogol bordello, teagan and sara, and cake
i even danced
i ate a hamburger and drank lots of coka-cola
the ex called one of the people i was with, while on a smoke break, to get my number
i guesse i had been deleted
i'm terrifed of what she wants
i had fun dancing though
i've almost gotten beaten up by this guy soooo many times.
the ashtray is full
i hate mickey mouse
and the one person who brings comfort
has know idea who i am

some crazy woman freaked out at the aa meeting tonight
over a spider bite

that's what my stories have been reduced to
i hang out until the bars close
then it's safe to leave
i feel so uncool
who needs it anyway
i know...
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someday soon you'll be able to leave before the bars close and still be OK...

Maybe you should start entering those hot dog eating contests... I can't believe you didn't hurl after 8 hot dogs...
i met a merchant mariner tonight
i guesse that's kind of like a pirate
he was one bad motherfucker
hands like two lobster claws
i enjoy being sober but it is
soooooo fucking boring
no stories to tell
and you know how i love stories
now i have none
and i keep deleting the shit that i do write
sorry lady
i'm just a different...
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i have a cigarette burn scar from tegan...and one from a few months later at sxsw. it adds character...