yeah, so,
all my laundry got stollen
and i went and bought a bunch of shit
i would never wear
and the masses seem to love it
go figure
it's like hallowween everyday
and i happen to like facial srcars. i think they create character. i have a couple chicken pox scars and one right on the top of my forehead from when i rode a bike into a mailbox. but it's almost always covered in bangs (not on purpose!).
man, i love cigarettes
and pastries too
i guesse my membership didn't get canceled
i'm glad
i just wish i was into these naked birds
they look silly to me now
with their clothes off and all
i think i would be more into a bunch of sexy girls all sitting around smoking and playing hungry hungry hippos
maybe operation
i haven't built a fort... Read More
so i sarted writing my script
it's about these two mormons
the one i secretly in love with the other who is a modern siddartha
there's love and betrayal
suicide by auto-exfiliation
i probably spelled that wrong
it's how vaugh bode died
kind of a tribute to him
some john waters references
i'll even explain were i've found the bible to be flawed
it should... Read More