i got really boozed up the other night. after a series of unfortinate events i found myself leaving my apartment at 4am. this is not that unusual for me but what happned next was pretty strange. as i was leaving it looked liked some crazed bag lady was running at my car waving her arms in the air. it was peanut in her nightgown. we drve around to all the places i go when i leave the house at 3am, discussing/arguing issues that we've both just been blowing off. we made up and got some flavered coffe from 7-11(just like the old days). we decided to go to the beach and watch the sun rise. after being at the beach for about ten minutes we remembered that we don't live on the east coast anymore and that the sun was not going to rise were we were. we got to watch the full moon set instead, which was way better then any sunrise i've ever seen. it's surreal doing things with the one you love that you normally do alone.
i got really boozed up the other night. after a series of unfortinate events i found myself leaving my apartment at 4am. this is not that unusual for me but what happned next was pretty strange. as i was leaving it looked liked some crazed bag lady was running at my car waving her arms in the air. it was peanut in her nightgown. we drve around to all the places i go when i leave the house at 3am, discussing/arguing issues that we've both just been blowing off. we made up and got some flavered coffe from 7-11(just like the old days). we decided to go to the beach and watch the sun rise. after being at the beach for about ten minutes we remembered that we don't live on the east coast anymore and that the sun was not going to rise were we were. we got to watch the full moon set instead, which was way better then any sunrise i've ever seen. it's surreal doing things with the one you love that you normally do alone.