i through away the dead bird today. peanut had been bugging me about it ever since i brought it home. it didn't stink or anything, she just thought it was gross. the alcohol actually preserved it rather well, in case anyone out there ever wants to preserve dead things in jars. i made choritzo and potatoes for lunch today. this choritzo kind of smells like a wet dirty dog. so, thta's how the apartment smells now. i kind of like it.
i through away the dead bird today. peanut had been bugging me about it ever since i brought it home. it didn't stink or anything, she just thought it was gross. the alcohol actually preserved it rather well, in case anyone out there ever wants to preserve dead things in jars. i made choritzo and potatoes for lunch today. this choritzo kind of smells like a wet dirty dog. so, thta's how the apartment smells now. i kind of like it.
i get to go back to baltimore for a couple of days in august. peanut bought a car there. we're driving it up to detroit and then i'm flying back to sd solo. i hate to fly, it's southwest so i won't even get any drinks.