My 2012 was pretty sweet. I headed overseas for the first time ever... The UK. It was a feast for the senses. And whilst there I went and got engaged in Wales here..

Then headed up to the motherland Scotland. My god it is beautiful as are the people

Oh.. And they're way better at coffee than the English

I finally got to see UFC live in Sydney. Epicly awesome
Then we went and bought are first house. Shes a 40's/50's beaut.

Start reno's with a re carpet and currently pulling the kitchen out for an update back to a more traditional style if that makes any sense
New floor, walls and cabinets.. Big job for one little boy

And its only 2mins from the beach. And saw my first Blue Dragon at said beach
Found the perfect place to get married and doing it in April this year

My angel lost her first tooth this year. It was a major event.. Forgot how important the little things can be
Caught up with one of my oldest friends I hadn't seen in almost 4 years. She arrived back from Canada freshly heart broken a frightened of the eternity of life not being complete at 34 but we made each other happy with catch up.
Scored a new consol, so cool. Help me obiwan

And finally saw Regina Spektor after 3 years of waiting..

All in all she was a pretty sweet year. There was nasty shit that happened too but that was pretty much work related so that has been placed in the fuck off I'm not worrying about that tray.
I wish everyone happiness and self-contentment.

Then headed up to the motherland Scotland. My god it is beautiful as are the people

Oh.. And they're way better at coffee than the English

I finally got to see UFC live in Sydney. Epicly awesome
Then we went and bought are first house. Shes a 40's/50's beaut.

Start reno's with a re carpet and currently pulling the kitchen out for an update back to a more traditional style if that makes any sense
New floor, walls and cabinets.. Big job for one little boy

And its only 2mins from the beach. And saw my first Blue Dragon at said beach
Found the perfect place to get married and doing it in April this year

My angel lost her first tooth this year. It was a major event.. Forgot how important the little things can be

Caught up with one of my oldest friends I hadn't seen in almost 4 years. She arrived back from Canada freshly heart broken a frightened of the eternity of life not being complete at 34 but we made each other happy with catch up.
Scored a new consol, so cool. Help me obiwan

And finally saw Regina Spektor after 3 years of waiting..

All in all she was a pretty sweet year. There was nasty shit that happened too but that was pretty much work related so that has been placed in the fuck off I'm not worrying about that tray.
I wish everyone happiness and self-contentment.
Getting married, going overseas for the first time and getting a new house is a pretty memorable and awesome year. I hope you get a chance to have a better year in 2013