So, it seems a lot of suicidegirls are leaving because they're unhappy with management. Here's a newsflash to the folks making the decisions. Paying customers visit the site for the women. It doesn't matter if the pictures remain, if the suicidegirls themselves stop participating, this becomes just another porno site.
This may be more sour grapes but, I'm pissed that several of my favorite sg's... Read More
Harvard University researchers have succeed in making cloned pigs that produce omega-3 fatty acids, typically found in fish. Omega-3 fatty acids have been associated with lowered risk of heart disease and the American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish at least two times a week. Genetically engineering pigs to produce omega-3 fatty acids isn't too far off the mark. Pigs with... Read More
The cheeseburger bill.... what a load of crap. Basically it makes it impossible to sue fatty food makers for any resulting health problems. The problem I have with this is that it takes the decision making process out of the hands of 12 ordinary citizens and puts it into the hands of 535 citizens who have all taken money from the Big Fatty Lobby.
Uh, isn't it part of the persons sound judgement to eat fatty foods? I mean your options are: Eat fatty food and get fatty or eat not fatty foods and be less fatty. I don't think it's right to have a third option: Eat fatty foods and get fatty and then sue the person who sold you the fatty foods. No one makes you eat that crap.
I think that i understand what you english is so bad
I think that citizen can be intelligent and having a good judgment about what they eat (ouf !
i hope that you undrstand )
But, i think that the majority of people be influenced by the publicity.. why a lot of company use publicity to sell his product.. because they have a sucess with that.... when you see a big mac in a tv...they never talk that it's bad for health..they says: hummm it's good... or if you offer this to your kids you will have a good time with them... the pub talk to the unconscious.. .. we look a publicity and we say: Ah !! it's crazy, they exaggerated...but we buy all people know that it's bad for health...but people are really informed about what they eat...what they eat when they by an hamburger ? bread and meat ? I don't think..
According to chief ass-hat, Phred Felch, Sept 11, every soldiers death in Iraq and now Katrina are all because God is punishing us for the gays and feminists etc.... I'm working on another theory. Perhaps, God is punishing us for electing a republican president, and congress. And that's one to grow on..
about the place in flo that is going full on christian. no porn and no condoms? i give it a 60% and that's probably
about this guy your talking about here? he's just another lunatic that the masses of non thinking christians will rally around because they were told too or they'd go to hell. cause they have no mind and are so weak willed that they long to be controlled and told what to do, even if deep down they know the fuckers wrong.
fuck dominoes. their pizza's are cardboard and suck.
have a good day.
haha. Actually, I hate The Vern (I think the name is clever, though) and I'm not really into Johnny Cash. But maybe I will hang out at Bonfire and listen to Depeche Mode
Here is the reason, I'm not a conservative..... they have never ever ever ever ever been right.....
Civil Rights,
Universal Suffrage,
Independence from England,
That whole earth revolves around the sun thing
If you are a neo-con, you will be lumped in with George Wallace, and every other asshole in history who has tried to exploit the fear of progress for one's own political... Read More
The conservative commentators are up in arms again. This time demanding that everyone watch the beheading video. I guess we're either too stupid to realize that Al-Qaeda are brutal, or just haven't been shocked enough yet. But let me ask this, why did those nut-sacks videotape the execution? Why did they send it to be published and posted on the net? Because the terrorists want... Read More
So, they're starting to paint John Kerry as a snooty elite liberal. However, the central theme of Bush's economic policy is to give lots of money to rich people because they know best how to spend it. Not to mention Bush is the son of a congressman who got him out of military service while Kerry served in Vietnam.
Watching Dennis Miller for the first time. I didn't really have high expectations after seeing his appearance on Leno a few weeks back and he has lived down to them. The show would have a little more quality if he had on a qualified opposition guest but, it appears he doesn't want an argument so, he'll just have on guests that support his position.