Good morning! Here's my top 10 thoughts this early...
1. Been texting all morning with a special dude who I can't see until after Nov 10th...but it's very romantic still.
2. Look at my war's boobs by the window this early! I take some good pictures sometimes.
3. Sold some crayon art from a hospital I was in @ the bar last night. Yay for pocket money!
4. I have a babysitting shift this thursday! Get to take my boy out to lunch & to see Frankenweenie for pay!
5. Last night I went to Woodlands Cemetery for a E A Poe reading and grave tour. It was gothic beautiful, duh.
6. I am paying for 1 of my sweethearts from FL to visit me in Dec as our little Christmas gift, daww. ♥
7. I sold my strap on in the Swap Meet group to a great old SG friend! Can't wait to mail.
8. Tickets have been purchased for me to see Paul Banks of Interpol Nov. 10th, ahhhhhh.
9. I will be selling more crayon art @ karaoke at the bar tonight. Yay for more money! I love it.
10. Finally, the curator of my local A Space, where I am set to hold an art auction benefit looks forward to meeting up with me to discuss the concept and such. I'm really stoked; my life is good right now.

Here I am very clothed with Poe! Doesn't he look like him!? Was a treat. Creepy cool picture too.
I hope you are all lovely...love to hear from you too.
I am also jealous of the poe reading and tour. Thats awesome and I had know idea they did that. Good luck selling more of your art! I hope it all goes.