So much hardcore lately. Just recovered from a heavy night chillin' with Coke Bust and Youth Of Today of all bands @ Edge Fest here in Philly. It was totally just what I needed mentally. Coke Bust are unreal (from DC) and YoT honors their legacy...stand up men who donated me a lot of merch and want to mail me more for a proposed art show and benefit for my dental fiasco.

I'm supposed to be with my boss today (I'm a babysitter if I didn't mention this now; I quit my bar job bc it was too stressful for me at this time) but haven't heard from her yet. Enjoying relaxing. Tomorrow one of my friends is taking me to get food stamps which both sucks but is necessary at the same time. I just have no food and am qualified for it. Oh well. So I'm looking forward to that. Yay food!
How are my favorite people doing?
cheer up kid, things only get better.
Thanks so much
GnR and Skid Row are still on top of my list :-P and I wish I was in Tampa right now. Tampa must be experiencing weather probably 2 times the epicness of Miami.