60ft Queenie is experiencing technical difficulties
be with ya soon!
Question: How was your weekend?
Oh and a point of interest... I've been head over heals for detective Robert Goran on criminl intent for AAAAGGGEEESSS..... he's tall.... hes a good italian boy and he's got huge shoulders.... (I have a MAJOR big man fetish... well no scrap that.. tall persons fetish) and also I just want him to do my head in and make me cry..... I keep having these totally (and I *mean* totally) demented sex dreams about him.. yummm.... and I found out yesterday he's a hot favourite with all the other mistresses (well all 3 of them that watch the show) as well.... so hats off to you dectective! now I wonder if they've got it for the main nerd dude (yes the older one) on CSI... man I'm totally in love with him too! I'm into twisted genius geek boys with no people skills.... I'm just a masochist I know... *le sigh* head nerd (which is what I call him) is my favourrriiittteeee.... but at the moment theyre on at the same time.. which caused a dilemma with me... so now I watch CSI.. and tape Criminal Intent.... yeha.. so I watch them back to back...... horniness!!!! Oh and I'm in love with thefag top Brian on Queer as Folk... and I was also playing fantasy gang bang watching Star Trek - First Contact the other night.... it included number one, the borg quenn... oh my god shes totally hot.. and data...
now go ahead and laugh... betcha didnt know I was a total geek too huh?
Second Question: Whos in your fantasy gang bang... limit it to 3 people....
I'd say... head nerd, the borg queen and detective robert goran
be with ya soon!
Question: How was your weekend?
Oh and a point of interest... I've been head over heals for detective Robert Goran on criminl intent for AAAAGGGEEESSS..... he's tall.... hes a good italian boy and he's got huge shoulders.... (I have a MAJOR big man fetish... well no scrap that.. tall persons fetish) and also I just want him to do my head in and make me cry..... I keep having these totally (and I *mean* totally) demented sex dreams about him.. yummm.... and I found out yesterday he's a hot favourite with all the other mistresses (well all 3 of them that watch the show) as well.... so hats off to you dectective! now I wonder if they've got it for the main nerd dude (yes the older one) on CSI... man I'm totally in love with him too! I'm into twisted genius geek boys with no people skills.... I'm just a masochist I know... *le sigh* head nerd (which is what I call him) is my favourrriiittteeee.... but at the moment theyre on at the same time.. which caused a dilemma with me... so now I watch CSI.. and tape Criminal Intent.... yeha.. so I watch them back to back...... horniness!!!! Oh and I'm in love with thefag top Brian on Queer as Folk... and I was also playing fantasy gang bang watching Star Trek - First Contact the other night.... it included number one, the borg quenn... oh my god shes totally hot.. and data...
now go ahead and laugh... betcha didnt know I was a total geek too huh?
Second Question: Whos in your fantasy gang bang... limit it to 3 people....
I'd say... head nerd, the borg queen and detective robert goran
tank girl,lara croft and vampirella
Star Trek - Jesus Queenie! I would have never guessed? Gang bang, huh? I'll have to get back to you in terms of active participants, but Jarvis Cocker would definitely be filming while yelling out some coaching techniques! Then again, he might even be in on it! Depends greatly on the amount of alcohol consumed! I also think an early Joan Jett would be pretty rad! I'd kindly let her dominate. Please, gladly smack the shit out of me. Hee!