Saw thw Two Towers yesterday it was really cool.. the first time I'd been to the movies since Bowling for Columbine... well no dreams last night had a bad nights sleep... I'm drinking the best fucking coffee right now... its raining still.. its been beautiful its been raining for lie 4 days now... I love Sydney that way.... it either rains for days or is sunny for months... looks like the rain *might* break the drought.. but the irony is its starting to cause flooding the drought affected areas (which is most of the state) the poor farmers... the rain that might have salvaged their crops is washing them away
off to work.. .I wonder what insanity might ensue... their is one thing that the 'rape' thread on the dirty talk board did get me mad about but I couldnt really say anthing because if it had been entitled 'rape fatasies' i might have... is that is reinforces the stigma that people who are into BDSM are somewhat mentally unbalanced... or sick for what they like... this makes me
I mean the people on there are in an uproar because it takes away from the reality that rape is bad... well of course it is... but a rape fantasy isnt bad... just like wanted to be caned isnt bad and isnt offending people who were physically abused as children..... meh
to you all.. I hope the naughty bois come out in the rain... they rarely do...
off to work.. .I wonder what insanity might ensue... their is one thing that the 'rape' thread on the dirty talk board did get me mad about but I couldnt really say anthing because if it had been entitled 'rape fatasies' i might have... is that is reinforces the stigma that people who are into BDSM are somewhat mentally unbalanced... or sick for what they like... this makes me
I wanna see Bowling For Columbine...