I have ben dreaming SOOO vividly lately..hypercolour... like dreaming on liquid LSD... its wonderful. I didnt dream for like 4 years until about 6 months ago when my reiki healer (and long time friend and fellow capricorn) healed me of my blockage. Its been so good.. I'm an incredibly superstitious person and when I didnt dream for that long i felt souless... which I was in a way because I was addicted to so many drugs there was noway I could get to the astral... I had this great dream yesterday morning that i was in this video game... and I woke up had breakfast with my man before he went to work and went back to sleep and it started exactly where it left off.. I love it when that happens... but it had soaked in things from the real world like it started raining when I was asleep and it started raining in my dream... so everyone started carrying around umbrellas in this video game.. funny.. but they are SO VIVID.. I can still smell and taste the air of the dream land when I wake up for a few seconds... I also had a dream this morning that I had an affair.. and it was so real that I woke up so guilt ridden that I cried for my boy to forgive me for a few minutes until I realised I had been dreaming.. as before the dream ended I had been busted and was begging and pleading with AJ not to leave me .......... I love the unknown... I feel so much more at home in my dreams than in the real world.....
1. It made you feel guilty
2. We only got to make out for a little bit.
3. Throat was being an ass (I'm guessing he was jetlagged).
I'm going to go check into the Westin Great Southern here in beautiful downtown Columbus, take a hot shower, wrap myself up in one of their robes, and dance around to the Midnight Oil album "Red Sails In The Sunset".
(fun fact: The Great Southern hotel was bought by Westin in 1998, the hotel is a historic landmark and President Abraham Lincoln once slept there).