I'm ok peoples!! thanks for all the well wishes and i'll be going through them and answering them the second I get rid of this headache...
well my week from hell is over and I'm feeling alot better for it!!!! my grandmother is out of hospital and has had 2 tests back postivie so now we're just playing the waiting game to see if she has to have anymore surgery....
I cooked at work... which was something that was majorly stressing out... friday nights someone cooks for everyone... so I cooked for about 12 people last night....
urhg... and then stupidly I went out last night after work for a few hours and now I feel like total crap... I went out this afternoon for my friends birthday and now I'm at home.. typing this and not going to work... my first shift I've had off since I've been back at SK's........ so thats pretty good...
to you all...
I am fine.... I am broke but I am fine....
and dreaming of being a mortician... I went to this exhibition on death today for my friends birthday it was WAY cool.....
now I am waiting on my pizza with extra anchovies and salami and pepperoni...
I am officially a carnivore again.....
well my week from hell is over and I'm feeling alot better for it!!!! my grandmother is out of hospital and has had 2 tests back postivie so now we're just playing the waiting game to see if she has to have anymore surgery....
I cooked at work... which was something that was majorly stressing out... friday nights someone cooks for everyone... so I cooked for about 12 people last night....
urhg... and then stupidly I went out last night after work for a few hours and now I feel like total crap... I went out this afternoon for my friends birthday and now I'm at home.. typing this and not going to work... my first shift I've had off since I've been back at SK's........ so thats pretty good...

I am fine.... I am broke but I am fine....
and dreaming of being a mortician... I went to this exhibition on death today for my friends birthday it was WAY cool.....
now I am waiting on my pizza with extra anchovies and salami and pepperoni...
I am officially a carnivore again.....

If it makes you feel any better hun
Im fucking broke as well..and my rent check bounced
Hopefully things will work out for us soon!