well I'm feeling a tad better... I just run myself into the ground... I suspect I'm a masochist of sorts... but anyway...
today on my 2nd day off... I went back to the Bonds factory to buy my sister a birthday present.... and then stuffed them into 2 big envelopes to post them to her @ uni.... then I had lunch with my mother and grandmother.. which was excellent.. I made my mum laugh so hard she cried for about half an hour.... and we all went shopping and nanna bought me this cool bin for my bathroom...... a good time was had by all... then I went into Newtown and made a time to get the chick who put my dreads in to tighten a few of them as some are quite loose.. and then I went ot the car hire place and sat through 45mins of burecracy and now I'm home and tired.... but I have to go and pick up the car at 5 drive to my dads house... have dinner with my family and then come home and go and have a few drinks with Bill for his end of work party... thank god its just down the road from my house.....
tomorrow Ive hired the car cause Bill, Adrian and I are going up to the Blue Mountains for a little day trip... I'm thinking we'll go to the 3 sisters, Katoomba and maybe Jenolan Caves... I think Adrian would really love Jenolan Caves.... and then Sunday I have to be back at work.... its a week on Monday till I go to Melbourne... woo hoo.... Happy Weekend peoples!
today on my 2nd day off... I went back to the Bonds factory to buy my sister a birthday present.... and then stuffed them into 2 big envelopes to post them to her @ uni.... then I had lunch with my mother and grandmother.. which was excellent.. I made my mum laugh so hard she cried for about half an hour.... and we all went shopping and nanna bought me this cool bin for my bathroom...... a good time was had by all... then I went into Newtown and made a time to get the chick who put my dreads in to tighten a few of them as some are quite loose.. and then I went ot the car hire place and sat through 45mins of burecracy and now I'm home and tired.... but I have to go and pick up the car at 5 drive to my dads house... have dinner with my family and then come home and go and have a few drinks with Bill for his end of work party... thank god its just down the road from my house.....
tomorrow Ive hired the car cause Bill, Adrian and I are going up to the Blue Mountains for a little day trip... I'm thinking we'll go to the 3 sisters, Katoomba and maybe Jenolan Caves... I think Adrian would really love Jenolan Caves.... and then Sunday I have to be back at work.... its a week on Monday till I go to Melbourne... woo hoo.... Happy Weekend peoples!

carla in a car
watch out!!!