So it turns out i'm a slacker when it comes to updating my little periodical here I don't have a lot to update anyone on. I am especially short of good news / jokes / pleasant disposition...
This girl that I've known from work for the last 2.5 years committed suicide last Friday... I've been pretty bummed out for her... Mostly just reliving little moments in my head trying to make sense out of her, trying to spot any clues or something that I should have picked up on trying to sort out how I feel about it and why and what I've come up with is a whole whack of shit that I don't think I have the guts to write out just yet, if ever this sucks. sucks bad. I want her back. I wake to shake her and tell her she has everything to live for. i want to tell her how beautiful she looks i want to ask her whats bothering her. she was only 19. i want to scREAAAAAAAAM.
Death is so final you suddenly get this enormously significant news and it stirs up an overwhelming amount of energy and emotion inside of you and, wtf you cant do anything with it its this horrible yet stagnant feeling and it follows you everywhere. fuck, I hate this.
This girl that I've known from work for the last 2.5 years committed suicide last Friday... I've been pretty bummed out for her... Mostly just reliving little moments in my head trying to make sense out of her, trying to spot any clues or something that I should have picked up on trying to sort out how I feel about it and why and what I've come up with is a whole whack of shit that I don't think I have the guts to write out just yet, if ever this sucks. sucks bad. I want her back. I wake to shake her and tell her she has everything to live for. i want to tell her how beautiful she looks i want to ask her whats bothering her. she was only 19. i want to scREAAAAAAAAM.
Death is so final you suddenly get this enormously significant news and it stirs up an overwhelming amount of energy and emotion inside of you and, wtf you cant do anything with it its this horrible yet stagnant feeling and it follows you everywhere. fuck, I hate this.

I lost a friend for a stupid reason a year ago.
It's like you can't fix it, and want to go back and fix it so badly.
Good luck.
Molecules are small. So small, in fact, that we cant see them, so we draw pictures of them, not knowing what they look like, and base a central, universal, science around them.
Silly humans.