hey hows it goin?
so an interesting thing happened recently. remember how i kept saying i was bored and before that i said i was a little anemic? well i thought i was bored and tired cause i was depressed,....but i just got out of the hospital a few days ago after being there for a week and after a blood transfusion and a bone marrow biopsy.....it turns out i was a LOT anemic, my red blood cell count was down to 15 from the normal 45-60 and i almost died.
but its better now. im feeling much better. its amazing what 3 units of another persons blood can do for you. gross. so anyways since i have been out of the hospital i have all kinds of energy, i just got a job at denny's and i signed up for college, and im oing out with my friends again,...i feel much much better.
im only worried that my doctors will want to put me on prednisone soon, in which case i will get fat.
o yea my computer is broken so its hard to update lately sorry,
<3 <3 <3 katie
so an interesting thing happened recently. remember how i kept saying i was bored and before that i said i was a little anemic? well i thought i was bored and tired cause i was depressed,....but i just got out of the hospital a few days ago after being there for a week and after a blood transfusion and a bone marrow biopsy.....it turns out i was a LOT anemic, my red blood cell count was down to 15 from the normal 45-60 and i almost died.
but its better now. im feeling much better. its amazing what 3 units of another persons blood can do for you. gross. so anyways since i have been out of the hospital i have all kinds of energy, i just got a job at denny's and i signed up for college, and im oing out with my friends again,...i feel much much better.
im only worried that my doctors will want to put me on prednisone soon, in which case i will get fat.
o yea my computer is broken so its hard to update lately sorry,
<3 <3 <3 katie
sorry to hear about the trouble...hope every comes up roses

katie call me