So a while back I posted my connection speed using a speed calculator from Novus. At the time I had a Shaw cable connection, but yesterday I switched to Novus and my connection speed went from crappy to amazing!
From 0.861 Mbps to 7.632 Mbps <--- GASP! Those aren't the extreme tests, they are average ones.
I'm going so fast on the internet that the porn zips by too fast to see it! So good I'm gonna
From 0.861 Mbps to 7.632 Mbps <--- GASP! Those aren't the extreme tests, they are average ones.
I'm going so fast on the internet that the porn zips by too fast to see it! So good I'm gonna
edited for image size
[Edited on Jun 09, 2006 3:18AM]
Shaws been pretty good to me, I own my modem, I own my digital box, so my buddles are really cheapo! internet +200 channels is about 60 dollars! I cant really complain.