damn. i just wrote a long rant here, and forgot to hit save. i hope i have the energy to reproduce that, maybe not. Well, howdy ya'll. i'm just sitting at home, waiting for that phone call that never comes, the one that says " hey! what are you doing? how about you come with us and go do something different from what you do...
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mr. bungle is kick ass! i lived in the town they're from. long ago they'd cruise town in the bungle mobile distributing havoc. smile
Wanna go to Sierra Vista on Friday?
This strikes me as being moot now.

[Edited on Feb 23, 2004 4:42PM]
hello! well, i finally put up a pic, the only one of myself that i could fond( courtesy of my friend david's caltech website) there we are, his arm around me and a sliver of his face to the right. good times.that was at mardi gras a couple of years back, when i crashed a rental car on accident (of course) in new mexico on...
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I'm a student of archaeology at ye olde UA. It is always fun and exciting, I promise (almost).
I assure that my glasses are indeed quite functional. Suffice it to say, I have rarely met a person whose near-sightedness rivals my own.
Oh well, I hope this lovely Thursday is treating you well.
Later. smile
You're cute. My, you have lots of beads in that pic.
hello people. i finally put a picture up, but if you are writing to me you probably know what i look like. in fact, im having a hard time thinking of anything new that the two of you who see this dont already know. oh well. i had a birthday, it was fun. school is about to start. yup. hmm, ill be back when there...
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hello everbody...whats new..hmmmm.
I was devo for halloween, but you probably already know that if you are writing to me. my snake bit me last night and it left a cool little mark. i didn't feel it, i just looked down and her mouth was open really big. I thought it was kind of cute. i found out today that I get to work setting...
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happy b-day! have load of fun on your 21st
Yeah, that might work.