1. last night i killed a man with a trident.
and then sat at bento gogo a block away and watched the cops clean up the mess.
2. +10 to cornellius, rosis, chaos, and lauren for coming over to my house. good times. additional +5 to chaos for the peach milkshake (don't get any ideas you perverts!!) +10 to CollagenRock for getting me a sweet bandana. -2 to kellyjanice for grabbing me inappropriately and blaming it on Rosis.
3. also, there was almost a fight 6 steps away from me. but Ororo came down and regulated.
4. after i passed out like 1/3 drunk, i had dreams about a burning bush, satan making human/animal warriors to fight jesus, basset hounds drinking guiness, huge amphibian swamp creature things eating huge carp-type fishes, and big exploding monsters made out of mud.
what the fuck.
5. tonight my buddy Pam is making asian eggplant stirfry. oh it will be glorious.

and then sat at bento gogo a block away and watched the cops clean up the mess.
2. +10 to cornellius, rosis, chaos, and lauren for coming over to my house. good times. additional +5 to chaos for the peach milkshake (don't get any ideas you perverts!!) +10 to CollagenRock for getting me a sweet bandana. -2 to kellyjanice for grabbing me inappropriately and blaming it on Rosis.
3. also, there was almost a fight 6 steps away from me. but Ororo came down and regulated.
4. after i passed out like 1/3 drunk, i had dreams about a burning bush, satan making human/animal warriors to fight jesus, basset hounds drinking guiness, huge amphibian swamp creature things eating huge carp-type fishes, and big exploding monsters made out of mud.
what the fuck.
5. tonight my buddy Pam is making asian eggplant stirfry. oh it will be glorious.

i'm gonna be in columbus pretty much all day on wednesday for getting a job related ventures....wanna hang out in the evening sometime? i'll prolly give you a call tomorrow....