well, that's it. after i pay this phone bill my available funds decrease to about zero. i think i have enough food to last. i mean, peanut butter and jelly can go a long way.
oh, and a question for you kids:
What makes you feel all AWWWWW inside?
for me, i can think of three things:
1. when ben gibbard says "i'll be the platform shoes, undo what heredity's done to you, you won't need to strain, to look into my eyes..." (Postal Service - Brand New Colony)
2. when Torquil and Amy from Stars say "I know, I know, I know: I feel the same as you" (Stars - The First Five Times)
oh, and a question for you kids:
What makes you feel all AWWWWW inside?
for me, i can think of three things:
1. when ben gibbard says "i'll be the platform shoes, undo what heredity's done to you, you won't need to strain, to look into my eyes..." (Postal Service - Brand New Colony)
2. when Torquil and Amy from Stars say "I know, I know, I know: I feel the same as you" (Stars - The First Five Times)
that's one cute puppy, but kitties get the AW every time.