well, today I had to beg on hands and knees fro money from my parents. My in surance company decided to put the collision charge on my last payment of the coverage year, so now I owe them
400 dollars and I have none. Looks like I'll be mowing my parent's lawn and washing their cars for the next2 years as well as garnishing my newly acquired paychecks. ( I finally got a job). I leave for tour in three days, I wanna leave RIGHT NOW! I am tired of waiting and I wanna play. Damnit. I am bored today.
400 dollars and I have none. Looks like I'll be mowing my parent's lawn and washing their cars for the next2 years as well as garnishing my newly acquired paychecks. ( I finally got a job). I leave for tour in three days, I wanna leave RIGHT NOW! I am tired of waiting and I wanna play. Damnit. I am bored today.

wow you're close.