yeah, so I think I am in a band now, cool huh? I went and tried out and everyone was AWESOME. I even knew one of themfrom a while ago, I am so in, they are real good, I am pretty sure I am in, but noone said, "hey, you're our new singer" so I dont know whats gonna happen, I really like the music,...
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whoa nice bands are badass... i wish i was in a band.. but i have no talent for such things.... good luck with that man!
the shop was dead as hell today, right until we were about to close. then Sean had to do this 3 hour tatto for a spanish guy we had a 16 yr old interpritor(did I spell that right?) and a swatstika tattooed on his hand, weird.
whoa thats bizzare haha. the new mug shot deal looks rad.. i should do one of those...hmmm...
new pic for me, MUGSHOT! my roomies say I look like a psycho, I think thats a good thing, this is the onlyb recent pic of myself so here it is, more art to come. I try out for a new band sunday, wish me luck. I hate everything.
like the new ink
I got a new tattoo, ON MY NECK, it is HUGE. everyone at my job called me insane. and my mother cried when she saw it. That hurt but she'll get over it, I hope, whatever, when I get a camera I'll post it up. It's a big ass bird it rules.
whoo for new tattoo's i get mine on friday! 8-bit theater RULES!!!!
you're really good at drawing. what band are you in??? i've probably heard of them if your from NJ.
yeah, so I sure havent done this in awhile, Yeah me and my friend smoothed things out and everything is cool, thanx for the nice words, I am a little bit of a whiner and I exaggerate a little, whatever, I am completely over it.Well my subscripion is almost up, I have to renew soon, I love this place, the new design is great. well,...
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I am a dumbass
*poke* *runs away*
My BEST freind sold me out tonight. BAD. I am so F-in done with being taken advantage of. THE VERY LAST PERSON I ever thought would do this. and he dosen't even care. It's over. OVER!
kayla_: jersey rocks. don't be sad 

sorry to year yr so sad. even tho this was like..back in july.
if you read this you should come out to the onelinedrawing show at the cbgb's gallery in nyc on oct 19th!
if you read this you should come out to the onelinedrawing show at the cbgb's gallery in nyc on oct 19th!
hey, life sucks, whatever. or does it? yeah it does. shit.

well, today I had to beg on hands and knees fro money from my parents. My in surance company decided to put the collision charge on my last payment of the coverage year, so now I owe them
400 dollars and I have none. Looks like I'll be mowing my parent's lawn and washing their cars for the next2 years as well as garnishing my...
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400 dollars and I have none. Looks like I'll be mowing my parent's lawn and washing their cars for the next2 years as well as garnishing my...
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wow you're close.
wow you're close.

I played a show yesterday and it was fun. My bandmates dont agree with the fact that rocking out is more important than getting the music perfect( I'm the bassist, c'mon whats the difference), but it was great. Really fun. Oh Yeah! Do yourself a favor, If you ever meet a girl(or dude, whatever) over the net, dont meet them, EVER. The most beautiful, inteligent,...
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Exactly why I won't ever meet anyone through the internet. "Hideous, moronic, boring, and completely tactless" sounds a bit harsh, but then I wasn't there.I think their would be disappointment on both sides in most cases. Not that their aren't pleanty of other good reasons not to meet someone off the in such a way.
um actually yeah most of the people i met off the net (all 3 of them, cause i never really learn) were horrible... but i acutlaly met my boyfriend off this site, and while i was expecting him to have three heads, he has just the one, but it is true sometimes he can be moronic, boring and completely tactless, but thats why i like him
well im working o nthe boring part....

hey, It's been quite a while since I updated this thing, so here goes. I am still unemployed and i am sooooooo broke. I am still real sick and I am killing myself trying to learn all of the basslines so I can help my friends by substituting for their bassplayer while they go on tour in july. I forgot how hard bass really is....
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Thanks for the nice words in my journal. I really miss my triplets a lot.. a lot.
You're going on tour in July? That should be fun. Maybe put a little money in the pocket for you too. Good luck with that, and the bass.
You're going on tour in July? That should be fun. Maybe put a little money in the pocket for you too. Good luck with that, and the bass.
Hey, I put up some of my artwork in My Pics, hopefully there will be more soon. I'm feeling better about my friend, The wake was last night, when i saw him in the cofin, with all that make-up on....... I almost passed out. I felt so sick. He was an athiest, but they still put a rosary in his hands, he woulda been PISSED!...
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More art is always better. I like One Winged Zack a lot. Glad you're feeling better. Have a good weekend!