So I am beginning to wonder if I am crazy? The reason I ask that is because I can't get enough guns. Thats right I said guns!!!! I would buy I new gun everyday of the week if I was aloud to. I just always felt that the people who have a shit ton of guns are always crazy and, well now I am that person! I have just hit the 30 gun mark and I am not talking about some stupid hunting guns, like shotguns, I am talking about handguns and machine guns. And if you are wondering, I do not sell guns. Everything that I have is mine and its not for sale, so I am thinking that that might make me a little crazier. Who knows, but here are some of my new ones.

I want a black and pink smith and wessen revolver
Doing my best. Went to his visitation today. It was hard to see his family so sad though.