History repeats itself, but who really listens to the samething over and over without thinking 'I already heard this' and tuning it out. I have been and I believe will be constantly attracted to people that have bigger problems and different desires. I have heard this more often then not when I find someone I feel is worth the time and effort. Maybe that is...
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Thank you for the comment on my set. those panties are my favorite and that straight jacket is so much fun.
Thanks for the lovely comment about my set !!
Funny how a little can be a lot and the whole lot can seem so little. I think I have a changed in ways that only turned me into something that is the same but different. I had someone in my head in ways I can not seem to shake, and I really didn't want to. I think I need to, yet I have no...
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I am back and this place isn't what I remember, not sure it matters in the swing of things. Moving on with life I have a pressing urge to grab ahold of things to take with me. I don't need them and who cares what I want. I feel kinda grey inside thinking that in the end I may not even know ... because I...
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Good to see you again, I never took you off my friends list. I hope you are well.
Cold as a witches tit outside!
Love and confusion walk hand'n'hand through the night, as their fog of breath mixes in the air. Some people have ex's I have pre's, yet here I am with nothing. Confusing and yet lovely. Anything now is never what I want so I stopped playing.
p.s. All I want for Christmas is your two front teeth! <rawk>
Love and confusion walk hand'n'hand through the night, as their fog of breath mixes in the air. Some people have ex's I have pre's, yet here I am with nothing. Confusing and yet lovely. Anything now is never what I want so I stopped playing.
p.s. All I want for Christmas is your two front teeth! <rawk>
probably not imagination but definitely and unfortunately not real (automatic pilot)
Is it just me or does Jager make Dr.Pepper taste like water? I think I might make a drink that is 5x better then RedBull and Jager, what should I call it?
I don't know what you'll call it, but it'd probably knock me flat on my ass lol.
My b-day is coming this weekend, if you wanna party post a note I will let you in on the festivities. I have one thing after another to do and I have to make sure I get the right things done first. If only I could change paths as fast as I change my mind.
Happy b'day mate.
Happy birthday!
Thanks for giving me the time to read my mind. Thanks for thinking what I write, as you read this. I share nothing that isn't profain. The last thing I wanna do is complain. Thanks a fucking lot!
It is indeed a table, a table that is made entirely out of acylic... so it is see though! I am convinced that I will be getting it by hook or by crook.... it just matched my new computer so well!
its in the LIVING section under accent tables, on the third page, it is the "peekaboo console"
No one should let me near a keyboard when I am drunk, I can't type as fast as I think and when I am drunk I never notice the missing words. It gets ugly. Winter is here, Snow and Cold. I wish someone from Iowa that I knew was on here but nope. No one on here from Iowa seems to want to have a...
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was that comment a compliment or a slam?
IN that case thank you! *tosses a snowball at him* YAY it finally snowed! I have been waiting all year!
Some drinks are poison and I will still drink them. Shortly after I then feel the same as if I am not the guilty soul that took advantage of some random girl.. I dare you to comment. Random girls but be aware.
Rich people want it, poor people have it,
God fears it, and if you eat it you die.
Correct answers recieve a pat on the back.
(given in person)
God fears it, and if you eat it you die.
Correct answers recieve a pat on the back.
(given in person)
Oh man...I was pretty drunk. Sorry about that!
hehe...i was just 5 minutes of the Iowa border yesterday.