I am back thanks to some mystery gift 3month thing.. I would like to know who if there is a person responsible.
More Blogs
Wednesday Aug 09, 2006
History repeats itself, but who really listens to the samething ove… -
Monday Aug 07, 2006
Funny how a little can be a lot and the whole lot can seem so litt… -
Saturday Jul 22, 2006
I am back and this place isn't what I remember, not sure it matters i… -
Tuesday Dec 06, 2005
Cold as a witches tit outside! Love and confusion walk hand'n'hand… -
Sunday Dec 04, 2005
Is it just me or does Jager make Dr.Pepper taste like water? I think … -
Thursday Dec 01, 2005
My b-day is coming this weekend, if you wanna party post a note I wil… -
Thursday Nov 17, 2005
Thanks for giving me the time to read my mind. Thanks for thinking wh… -
Tuesday Nov 15, 2005
No one should let me near a keyboard when I am drunk, I can't type as… -
Sunday Nov 13, 2005
Some drinks are poison and I will still drink them. Shortly after I … -
Tuesday Nov 01, 2005
Rich people want it, poor people have it, God fears it, and if you e…