If you have a strong heart, go see Hotel Rawanda (http://www.mgm.com/ua/hotelrwanda/intro.html). This movie is fantastic, but the subject matter is incredibly heavy. My logical brain says, "hey this is just a movie, cued with snappy shots, and heart-string-tuggin soundtrack" but still I know I can't avoid the facts. Close to a million human lives were snuffed out in my own lifetime, on the basis of racism... and I never even noticed. I truely hope this shit never happens again, but if it does (thanks, human nature) I hope I get off my apathetic ass and contact my government to take action against such hatred.
After getting home and spending 10 minutes on my floor crying for humanity, it kinda makes my Valentines day loneliness seem insignificant.
After getting home and spending 10 minutes on my floor crying for humanity, it kinda makes my Valentines day loneliness seem insignificant.