Holidays winding down.... back to normal work schedule tomorrow. Can't say the same for my sleep schedule.
Gonna be tired for a few days while I shift back to night time sleeping. How I will miss thee, sweet nocturnal living!
Good to see some new people posting in my journal here. I could use some more active friends on my friend list. One of my NY resolutions is to be more active online with my friends, especially on MSN. Other resolutions include more travel in Canada, starting yoga, and saving more money for future "rainy days".
- Yaarrrrr!

Good to see some new people posting in my journal here. I could use some more active friends on my friend list. One of my NY resolutions is to be more active online with my friends, especially on MSN. Other resolutions include more travel in Canada, starting yoga, and saving more money for future "rainy days".

Please post your bike in Pix of my bike and introduce yourself to the gang in theNew Member Intros topic.
N'p about NYE. I ended up rushing around that whole night!