Went to bed Monday feelin chills. Woke up feverish. I'm glad I went to the doc for some penicillin, 'cause tuesday was the WORST fever I can remember since childhood. I mean, I was friggin halucinating, shivering, acheing, whimpering, and litterally crawling around my apartment for blankets, tylenol, and warm drinks.
Just one of those days ya wanna die.
Wednesday was considerably better. If tuesday was on a scale of 1-10... it was a -20. Wed felt like 2. The fever was relaxin it's hold on me, and feeling crappy never felt so good. So the doc called to confirm the lab results as Strep Throat. Its wierd that throughout this, my throat has hurt only a little bit. Hell, I could still sing karaoke.
The worst has really been the staying at home alone for the past couple of days (aside from the fever). I generally think of the classic me as a introverted guy... aparently this man is not an island. I miss human contact, but I really don't want anyone to come over and catch this sickness. My concience couldn't take handing this to anyone.
So... do I make the trip to Regina for a rave this wknd or not? Miraculous penicillin should have me fixed up by then (oops, time to take another dose). MUST get healthy.. I've got some good friends who are moving to Vancouver soon, and this wknd is my last chance to seem them.

Wednesday was considerably better. If tuesday was on a scale of 1-10... it was a -20. Wed felt like 2. The fever was relaxin it's hold on me, and feeling crappy never felt so good. So the doc called to confirm the lab results as Strep Throat. Its wierd that throughout this, my throat has hurt only a little bit. Hell, I could still sing karaoke.
The worst has really been the staying at home alone for the past couple of days (aside from the fever). I generally think of the classic me as a introverted guy... aparently this man is not an island. I miss human contact, but I really don't want anyone to come over and catch this sickness. My concience couldn't take handing this to anyone.
So... do I make the trip to Regina for a rave this wknd or not? Miraculous penicillin should have me fixed up by then (oops, time to take another dose). MUST get healthy.. I've got some good friends who are moving to Vancouver soon, and this wknd is my last chance to seem them.
have a good weekend sweetie.