Ahhh sunday. I SHOULD be studying for my final on thursday.. but I'm drinking beer and chilling out to some ambient electronic tunes on Groove Salad.
I wish I could make it up to Regina for the SG bash on Tuesday... but it just aint feasible on a weekday. Perhaps I should arrange a S'toon gathering? Hmmmm..
Its been a fun wknd just hanging out with friends, doing nuthin.
My apartment is impecably clean, I learned a new guitar tune, and my taxes are done. Talk about productivity people!
Oh yeah, I saw "24 hour party people" last night. DO NOT watch when you have a headache... the visuals are painful. Plus I was kinda lost with all the musical references to the Manchester music scene of the 1970's. I'm more of a Bristol music scene of the 1980/90s. (Yay for Massive Attack!)
1) Favorite beer brand (or what you'd buy for your friends if you hate beer)
2) Philosophy... is it good/bad?
3) Book report a good book in 25 words or less.
1) Depends on my mood. But I'm good with a Palliser Porter from Bushwakkers usually.
2) Good. But what is good? Is it a concept, a moral law, or is .... aww screw it.
3) SnowCrash- Sci-fi. "Hiro Protagonist", a pizza-delivery boy/hacker. discovers a computer virus that affects people's brains. Adventures, adrenaline, mobs, mayham, and swords.
I wish I could make it up to Regina for the SG bash on Tuesday... but it just aint feasible on a weekday. Perhaps I should arrange a S'toon gathering? Hmmmm..
Its been a fun wknd just hanging out with friends, doing nuthin.

Oh yeah, I saw "24 hour party people" last night. DO NOT watch when you have a headache... the visuals are painful. Plus I was kinda lost with all the musical references to the Manchester music scene of the 1970's. I'm more of a Bristol music scene of the 1980/90s. (Yay for Massive Attack!)

1) Favorite beer brand (or what you'd buy for your friends if you hate beer)
2) Philosophy... is it good/bad?
3) Book report a good book in 25 words or less.
1) Depends on my mood. But I'm good with a Palliser Porter from Bushwakkers usually.
2) Good. But what is good? Is it a concept, a moral law, or is .... aww screw it.
3) SnowCrash- Sci-fi. "Hiro Protagonist", a pizza-delivery boy/hacker. discovers a computer virus that affects people's brains. Adventures, adrenaline, mobs, mayham, and swords.
2) Interesting. but sometimes, i dont really give a shit.
3) Lolita- A love story between a young lolita and her pedophiliac step father. You learn to love or hate him, not both. The essence of real love.
1) Sleeman's Honey Brown. Or something from Bushwakker
2) interesting. but often too much thinking. hurts my brain.
3) Frida - The story of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo narrated by her younger sister Cristina. Tells the dramatic true story of her life. Amazing book... That's all I can say without going on for pages.