Woke up today feeling awsome. Good sleep is a wonderfull thing. But then the day took a slight crash... damn the job. Suffering slings and arrows took their toll on my self confidence. I felt like crawling under my desk at work and just wallowing in my social ineptness... and then I got to go to "communications" class tonight. My fragmented little ego, dragged my ass to class, and somehow I end up having to do a "stand in front of the class and free-speak on a topic" excersise. They friggin loved me... the teacher was gushing, and the classmates were clapping.
So after all that I did the only sensible thing... I started drinking as soon as I got home. What a freaking emotional wreck I feel like. I hope I can handle the world tomorrow. I'm off to Regina to see the beautiful and talented Miyu perform on Sat night, and dance my ass off to the sound of block-rocking-beats. But right now I just feel so low. Blah.
Oh yeah, plus I have a job interview with APTN in Winnipeg tomorrow... wish me luck.
So after all that I did the only sensible thing... I started drinking as soon as I got home. What a freaking emotional wreck I feel like. I hope I can handle the world tomorrow. I'm off to Regina to see the beautiful and talented Miyu perform on Sat night, and dance my ass off to the sound of block-rocking-beats. But right now I just feel so low. Blah.
Oh yeah, plus I have a job interview with APTN in Winnipeg tomorrow... wish me luck.

hope you had a great weekend sweetie.