For those who dont know work sux! even when u make good money work sux. SOmthing could be tottaly cool and fun and awsome but if you add the word work along with it. IT SUX!!! for those that enjoy working, i fucking hate you!!!!! i ts that simple. Last year at this time i was driving a truck around north OC/south LA delivering meat for all the stupid fuck supermarket workers that were on strike for 20 bucks an hour doing virtually nothing but making money. THose were good times. However now im back behind the bar slingin booze and overpriced chinese food in an americanized chinese restaurant. either way im always overpayed i guess thats a good thing. WHy do people that go to supermarkets not return their shopping carts back to the designated area??? THis really pissed me off when i took a look around at a vacant shopping center and noticed hundreds of shopping carts in every parking spot. This is a prime example of how fucking lazy people can be. To take 30 seconds of their life and prevent possibly damage to their car or someone elses they decide that someone else will do it for them as they probably have their whole life. THen you see some sorry ass chap with a reflective vest looking super pissed off that their task is theirs. I can blame em. Thats one of the shittiest jobs ever!!!!!! anyways sorry for the tangent i just was wondering if anyone else felt the same or even gave a fuck. I think most dont. OH well move on
stay filthy

happy birthday!!!!