So last nite im picking my pops up from John wayne airport. Well due to the ongoing terrorist threat the airport only has one entrance open and is searching vehicles which is fine i understand. Finnaly after waiting 20 minutes just to get to the united terminal i see my dad and he hasnt gotten his luggage yet so he decided to put his carrry on in my car, He wasnt more than 10 seconds before some asshole deputy who probably was abused as a child(which isnt funny) or possibly in high school didnt make the starting lineup on the football team and got his ass kicked everyday becuz he was a waste of human space comes up and says hey man you gotta move your car your holding up traffic. Ok I understand were on High alert and i respect that. But cmon that was straight up ive been a loser with know friends my whole life and this is my opportunity to get back at the world in some type of ill conceived fascist matter. I found out later my dad called him out on it and called him a i was laughing so hard. i gotta hand it to my old man. Anyways I hate cops. The idea of policeman is great. except you always get some jock ass mother fucker that feels he needs revenge on the whole world. Be a punk!!! its more fun.

Seriously, You have the best journal entries. Yes, there are assholes at the airports especially the US Customs guys. I dread going through them. I also hate how they ask you stupid questions. Did you pack your own bags Hell, yeah, I packed my own bags. Im not stupid and Im not going to jail for something that someone else accidentally slipped in my bags. I think I would be one of those people that you are complaining about. Ive never had any power outside of controlling my life. I would enjoy being a dick. Payback is a bitch.
That was pretty funny. Guess what? I'm watching Cops right now. I need to go out and get drunk or something. Bad boys bad boys. Watcha gonna do?