OK, so most of you that see this have probably already seen my awesome SG posters, but for those of you who haven't, take a look at this because its one of the coolest things ever, especially used in conjunction with SG:
Behold, the Rasterbator!
No, it doesn't categorize your porn collection, it blows up smaller pictures as big as you want, using dots of different sizes.
My favorite!
Closeup of the dots... allegedly you can do color now too!!
Basically it takes your image and stretches it onto a defined number of pages, then you can print them out, trim them, and stick them together, and do whatever you please. Some people fill their whole walls but I just went for something poster-esque at 3 x 3 pages.
Behold, the Rasterbator!
No, it doesn't categorize your porn collection, it blows up smaller pictures as big as you want, using dots of different sizes.
My favorite!
Closeup of the dots... allegedly you can do color now too!!
Basically it takes your image and stretches it onto a defined number of pages, then you can print them out, trim them, and stick them together, and do whatever you please. Some people fill their whole walls but I just went for something poster-esque at 3 x 3 pages.
loser nerd dork