I am not going to automatically vote for Kerry because he's the lesser of two evils.That's why we have outside parties.It's the funniest thing to me that how immature both parties can be.I feel like grade school mentality is exceptable amongst adults.We live in a free thinking society yet people are so stuck and simple minded that they can't fathom the idea that just once we should maybe look outside the box.I am right now undecided and will be closely listening to all parties.But I have to say listening to both the Democrats and Republicans make me sick to my stomach.Both in my opinion are equally just as bad as the other.The mudslinging ,the finger pointing, and the lies from all the politicians mouths.Who knows maybe after all the only choice is Kerry because no one else is capable of running the country.But I find those who just automatically vote for kerry because he's the lesser of the two evils is dismissing the whole idea of democracy.We have the abilty that so many other countries don't, to be able to have options and choices in deciding who will run our country.
how about this: i vote for a new journal entry all ready!
Let's see what is Arlington like...I like it cause between Dallas and Fort Worth, it's ok the part I live in is full of rich snobs. Can't complain to much there are Sonic's on every corner!