It's 11:04 I'm boored, again. I decided not to go out last night, so I got like 12 hours of sleep last night. I'm talking to Jonas, He's sending me pictures of a cat he's watching. And I'm sending him pictures of Monkeys and Teddy Bears, hehe. I'm going to need to take a shower, I feel so dirty. I wanted to dye my hair today, but I think my mom may be to tired to do it for me, and I don't trust myself to do it. RAWR!!!! I don't know what to type, but I feel like typing so It's my journal so i can say whatever I want toooo!! I guess I'm going to add some more pictures today, Not much else to today. Still need a shower, but until I'm going somewhere, not much use of that. I want McDonalds, but don't have a way to get there, mmmm yummy fooood. I'm gone. x.kisses.x
It's 1:20 now. Just got done eating ChickFila, It was yummy. i don't know how anyone can be a vegiterian. I mean it may be animal tissue and stuff, but I don't know. I guess it can always be argued both ways. Everyone will always have their own beleifs on everything. I might not be able to get someone to beleive in what I do, but no one will ever be able to get me to doubt my beleifs. I'm listening to Nekromantix right now, and still trying to will myself outta bed. Aint working. I got a package from jon today, which consisted of my monky bathing suit, and a green bandana, oh and some hot sauce. Heh, My package to him is all huge with stuff, and i get some hot sauce , a bathingsuit, and a bandana. I sent him some ramen noodles, crackers, hiCpunch, popcorn and lots of other stuff. He always complains about not having food, so i'm helping him out. I''m off again! Bye bye.. xoxox

It's 1:20 now. Just got done eating ChickFila, It was yummy. i don't know how anyone can be a vegiterian. I mean it may be animal tissue and stuff, but I don't know. I guess it can always be argued both ways. Everyone will always have their own beleifs on everything. I might not be able to get someone to beleive in what I do, but no one will ever be able to get me to doubt my beleifs. I'm listening to Nekromantix right now, and still trying to will myself outta bed. Aint working. I got a package from jon today, which consisted of my monky bathing suit, and a green bandana, oh and some hot sauce. Heh, My package to him is all huge with stuff, and i get some hot sauce , a bathingsuit, and a bandana. I sent him some ramen noodles, crackers, hiCpunch, popcorn and lots of other stuff. He always complains about not having food, so i'm helping him out. I''m off again! Bye bye.. xoxox