We need some new font colors on here!!
So I went to bed at 4am. Got up at 9:30am. Went Shopping <3 ... Now I'm doing laundry, and I'm about to go exchange a skirt I bought earlier. Apparently I have lost weight, which isn't a good thing. So far I'm in a really good mood today, and hopefully, well i'll do the positive thing, I will stay in a good mood, hehe. So besides all that shit, Me, Leslie, and Megan are going to go to Louisville tonight to do God knows what. Okay, well I'm off to go shop some more, hehe.

We need some new font colors on here!!
So I went to bed at 4am. Got up at 9:30am. Went Shopping <3 ... Now I'm doing laundry, and I'm about to go exchange a skirt I bought earlier. Apparently I have lost weight, which isn't a good thing. So far I'm in a really good mood today, and hopefully, well i'll do the positive thing, I will stay in a good mood, hehe. So besides all that shit, Me, Leslie, and Megan are going to go to Louisville tonight to do God knows what. Okay, well I'm off to go shop some more, hehe.

Since my room looked like shit I decided to try to rewire everything so it didn't seem like such a fire hazard. That didn't really work out either.
Well anyways I miss you too. So I'm gonna try to finish off my reading so I can see you again with out feeling bad about not doing my work. <3