----my friend didnt show up for class or work today... so i still havent been able to confront her and get her side of the story before i stop being around her completely... would this make anyone else upset, or am i just making a big deal of it. (she's done it before)
I'm done with everyone in this state. My best friend was with my exboyfriend that she knows i still have feelings for, she lied about it "saying she just ran into him" and I did kind of expect it from her, but not from him... Nobody here seems worth the pain i go through. And if you're going to hurt someone do it straight up, not sit there and fucking lie to them about it. So I guess their good for eachother anyway.

hope things get better <3
I know that my advice sucks, but its all you can do.
Things will get better. Trust me. Please?