My glasses are from two prescriptions ago, but I wore them today because i didnt feel like messing with my contacts. So after work I go to my boyfriends house and he hugs me and tells mehow much he loves it when I wear glasses, and he's smiley and huggy the rest of the night. And I'm feeling cute cuz he's making such a big deal out of it. He later starts telling me how sophisticated I look in glasses, like a teacher... That's when I realized why he liked the glasses so much. He's into the stupid teacher fantasy most boys are into... So when I was feeling all cute, he was just seeing some teacher he wanted to have sex with. Oh, well. I still feel cute. I wonder what he did after i left!
Anyyyway!!! I have a ten page paper to write!!! yay! So I love you guys! x.kisses.x rOaRie